Perth and Perthshire Branch of the RSCDS was established in February 1925 and is one of 43 Scottish branches and one of 159 branches world-wide. We run dance classes to suit everyone – from beginners to the most advanced dancers.
Congratulations to Branch Chair, Christopher Smith, on being appointed to the RSCDS Management Board.
After the Branch AGM on the 3 September a competition took place to determine which dance would become the Branch centenary dance. The winner, to be called “The Perth & Perthshire Centenary Jig”, was devised by Allana Creighton. An original tune will be commissioned by the Branch for the dance. A link to the dance is under the Classes/Dances/Events page by Branch Centenary.
The Branch will be holding a celebratory centenary dance on 22 February 2025 and centenary ball on 4 April 2025 and Summer Dances in July/August 2025. Details in the Classes/Dances/Events page. Our pre-Hogmanay dance on 27 December 2024 is under the Events page. You can find further details on these events, and our Winter class season, are available on the Classes/Dances/Events page. And, if that’s not enough to satisfy your dance cravings, Perthshire has an abundance of dance clubs meeting in town halls, schools, church halls and community centres almost every night of the week. You can find out more on the Other Perthshire SCD Clubs page.
Members should note that due to refurbishment issues the Bell’s Sports Injury Clinic has now closed. No other alternative is being offered.
Subscription Reminder: Subscriptions are an important source of income for the Branch so please help us thrive into 2025 by renewing your subscription or getting someone to take out a new one. For further information regarding joining the Perth and Perthshire Branch of the RSCDS please see our Subscription Letter;
Perth and Perthshire RSCDS is a Registered Scottish Charity SC024464.